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Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning

As trained cleaning technicians, we never want to attempt a cleaning of your precious upholstery and costly investment of carpet floor covering without doing a thorough investigation into what we are working with.


These are some typical questions we ask before we clean:


  • When was the carpet or piece of upholstery cleaned last?

  • How was it cleaned before? By Certified Technicians? Rented a Machine and did it yourself?

  • Are there any spots or stains you are concerned about? How long ago did they affect the carpet? Have you tried any other products or home remedies?

  • Any pets in the home?

  • Is anyone in the house sensitive to cleaning products or have respiratory health concerns?

  • What kind of carpet fiber or fabric is it? Natural or synthetic fiber?

  • Are the carpet or fabric dyes stable? Will they bleed if too much moisture is used?

and finally...

  • How did you hear about Karllon's Cleaning? and after we clean for you, Why are we your favorite cleaners now? :) All joking aside, we treat working in peoples' homes and businesses as if they were our own. That's our guarantee that we will do a thorough job!

Carpet Cleaning 

What is Involved?


Hot Water Extraction

Also known as Steam Cleaning, this method employs the use of portable machines that work comfortably within the customers' home. After a thorough dry vacuuming of the area, a carpet-safe cleaning product is applied to the carpet. After a brief period of dwell time, so the product can have an effect on the soil, the machine injects hot water into the carpet under pressure and then immediately vacuums any soil along with the carpet-safe cleaning product into the recovery tank on the machine. Then the recovery tank is emptied into any approved sanitary waste water drain.

How often should it be done?

Recommended for deeper cleaning,

every 12-18 months.


This method scrubs in an encapsulation product that crystallizes the soil, preventing it from re-adhering to the carpet. Then when the carpet is dry, the soil extraction comes from dry vacuuming.

How often should it be done?

Recommended for more regular maintenance or upkeep, every one or two months, especially in commercial buildings.


Many carpet manufacturers require carpets to be cleaned by certified carpet cleaning companies on a regular schedule in order to maintain the warranty on newly installed carpets.


Upholstery Cleaning

What is Involved?


Employing the some of the same methods of carpet cleaning, upholstery and fabric cleaning, this is another way we can bring thorough service to our clients. Using more detail-oriented equipment, we can give your cherished (or perhaps just well used) furniture the attention it deserves! Both hot water extraction and dry cleaning methods are available, depending on the material design of the furniture.

How often should it be done?

It depends on how much use the piece has, but typically every 12-18 months keeps the upholstery looking fresh and bright.


Many upholstery manufacturers require pieces of furniture to be cleaned by certified upholstery cleaning companies to maintain the warranty.

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